Saturday, December 29, 2007

Climate Change Scuttles Mangrove Planting Activity

It was hot. It was raining hard. And it was supposed to be Christmastime!

This was the scenario on December 28, the scheduled mangrove planting activity of the OSCI awardees and friends.

The mangrove planting was OSCI's way of greening and cleaning Iloilo River. It was also a response to the wider environmental call of combating climate change. But that day was an example of climate change!

Many of these young environmentalists left their hometowns past 5:00 am to get to the Iloilo River planting site at exactly 7:00 am; only to arrive at SM City under heavy downpour. Some were already in Molo waiting hopelessly for the rains to subside.

Anyway, those who came were ushered to a hearty breakfast at Chowking in Molo; and an impromptu OSCI meeting which everyone enjoyed.@

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.
